Press Release

Sen. Peter Welch, Gov. Scott, FEMA Administrator Criswell, and Vermont’s Congressional Delegation Update Vermonters on Storm Recovery

Jul 12, 2023

BURLINGTON, VT—Senator Peter Welch joined Governor Phil Scott, Senator Bernie Sanders, Congresswoman Becca Balint, and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Deanne Criswell today to update Vermonters on storm recovery and highlight the important work first responders are doing to advance recovery efforts across Vermont. 

“It’s really inspiring to see everyday Vermonters showing up for work, and whatever it takes to help Vermonters be safe and to recover, you do it,” said Sen. Welch of recovery efforts during the briefing. “And it’s all about cooperation and not complaining and facing the day before you. Every Vermonter whose home has been affected has a long and very tough road ahead. Recovery begins today.” 

During the briefing, Sen. Welch affirmed his commitment to securing additional federal resources for Vermont and noted that lawmakers across the political spectrum had expressed their support for recovery efforts in conversations with the delegation. The Senator also noted that all three congressional offices will coordinate their casework efforts to ensure swift and efficient service for Vermonters seeking support. The briefing can be streamed here

Sen. Welch’s office can help Vermonters work with federal agencies after natural disasters. For more information, please call 802-863-2525. If you or someone you know is in an emergency, please dial 9-1-1.  
