Press Release

Senator Peter Welch Issues Statement Following Call with FEMA Administrator on Recovering from Recent Storms in Vermont 

Jul 11, 2023

WASHINGTONSenator Peter Welch (D-VT) issued the statement below following a call with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Deanne Criswell to urge the agency to support Vermont’s recovery from extreme rain and flooding.  

“When Hurricane Irene devastated communities across Vermont, we came together to support one another, rebuild, and recover. It was hard, but we came through it stronger and more resilient. We will do the same in the face of recent storms and flooding. 

“While we don’t yet know the extent of the damage caused by this week’s flooding, based on the devastation caused by Irene we do know that we have a long road ahead. I am committed to supporting our state through this crisis. During our call, I urged FEMA Administrator Criswell to provide Vermont with the tools we need to rebuild our communities.  

“Administrator Criswell affirmed the Biden Administration’s unwavering support for Vermont’s recovery. I will continue to work alongside FEMA, Senator Sanders, Congresswoman Balint, and Governor Scott to advance recovery efforts and bring critical resources back to Vermont.” 
