Press Release

Senator Peter Welch Addresses Senate Floor on Catastrophic Flooding in Vermont: “Vermont needs help now.” 

Jul 13, 2023

WASHINGTONSenator Peter Welch (D-VT) addressed the Senate floor yesterday on the urgent need to deliver federal support to Vermonters recovering from severe storms that produced up to 9 inches of rain in some parts of the state and caused catastrophic flooding in many communities. In his remarks, Sen. Welch described the damage he saw on a tour of the state yesterday with FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Congresswoman Becca Balint (VT-AL). 

“It was an inspiring day, but also a sad day,” said Sen. Welch. “It was inspiring because we saw firsthand the extraordinary response. We saw our Governor and our first responders in Vermont, our national guard, our medical personnel, who did so much to rescue people and animals….  What’s sad is the damage of these storms,” he continued. “I’m asking my colleagues for their support. That we get those federal resources back to Vermont, which is in a state of emergency and where so many Vermonters have suffered very significant loss. They’ve got to have some help.” 

“Senator Sanders, Congresswoman Balint and I certainly were very proud of the Vermont response—from the Governor to the administrators, to the press…We’ve got a job here, and we’ve got to do that which only the federal government can do, and that’s provide those financial resources to help folks when there’s been a weather emergency where they live. And if there’s any base-level function of government, it’s to stand up and help folks,” he concluded. “Vermont needs help now.” 

For a video of Sen. Welch’s remarks, please click the image below. 
