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Nonprofit Theaters Are in Trouble. Lawmakers Are Proposing Help.

Apr 9, 2024

Proposed legislation would allocate $1 billion annually for an industry coping with rising expenses and smaller audiences.

A bald man wearing glasses and a suit leans back in a chair at large table.
“They do need help,” said Senator Peter Welch, who is spearheading a new effort to win federal assistance for nonprofit theaters. Mariam Zuhaib/Associated Press

By Michael Paulson, New York Times

An excerpt of the full story is included below. Read the full piece here.

“The financial crisis facing nonprofit theaters in America has captured the attention of Congress, where a group of Democratic lawmakers is introducing legislation that would direct $1 billion annually to the struggling industry for five years.”

“….Mr. Welch argued that the organizations merit government assistance because they strengthen communities and benefit local economies.”

“The legislation, which is called the Supporting Theater and the Arts to Galvanize the Economy (STAGE) Act of 2024, is also being sponsored by Senators John Fetterman of Pennsylvania and Jack Reed of Rhode Island. Representative Suzanne Bonamici of Oregon is sponsoring it in the House.”

“…This is a beginning,’ Mr. Welch said. ‘There are obstacles, but let the effort begin.’

To read the full piece, click here.