Press Release

Governor Phil Scott, Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Peter Welch, And Congresswoman Becca Balint Announce $10.8 Million In Northern Border Regional Commission Grants For Vermont Communities

Aug 25, 2023

Berlin, Vt. – Governor Phil Scott, Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Peter Welch and Congresswoman Becca Balint, together with the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC), announced Thursday that 13 Vermont communities will be receiving a combined $10.8 million from NBRC’s Catalyst Program.

“These funds will make a significant difference in Vermont committees across the state, including supporting clean water initiatives, investing in our agricultural economy, infrastructure, environment and more,” said Governor Scott. “I’m grateful for the close collaboration and partnership with NBRC, as well as Senator Welch, Senator Sanders, and Congresswoman Balint for their work at the federal level supporting these efforts.”

“In these difficult times, it is imperative that federal funding be available to strengthen Vermont communities, support local economies, and rebuild essential infrastructure,” said Senator Sanders. “From the construction and expansion of childcare centers to agricultural investments and water infrastructure improvements, these funds will improve the lives of Vermonters in real, effective, and deeply needed ways.”

“Support from the Northern Border Regional Commission has long helped build vibrant economies and healthy communities across our region – and this year’s awards are no exception,” said Senator Welch. “Thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Vermont communities will see historic investments from the NBRC to revitalize local infrastructure, expand childcare services, and support local agriculture. It’s exciting news for communities across our state, and I’m grateful to the NBRC and to the Biden Administration for advancing these landmark investments.”

“Funding through the Northern Border Regional Commission has helped revitalize some of our communities that have been historically left behind,” said Representative Balint.  “These investments will support developing infrastructure and agriculture while expanding childcare and education programs. I’m grateful for this state – federal partnership that brings historic funding to Vermonters.” 

Among the recipients, the towns of Killington ($2.5 million), Wilmington($1 million) and North Hero ($1 million) will receive funding to improve stormwater infrastructure, municipal water systems and more.

Neck of the Woods Childcare and Early Education Center will receive $425,000 to expand services, adding new classrooms to support Vermont families.

The NBRC was created by Congress in 2008 with the goal of alleviating hardship in the most economically distressed communities in Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, and New York. This year’s funding to Vermont is nearly double that of prior year investments, thanks to increases in the overall funding for the next 10 years that was championed in the last Congress by Senator Leahy, Senator Sanders, and then-Congressman Welch.

A complete list of awardees can be found by clicking here.
