Press Release

Welch Statement on Ecuador Election Results

Oct 18, 2023

Senator Peter Welch (D-VT) today released the following statement in reaction to Ecuador’s election of Daniel Noboa on Sunday, October 15: 

“I commend the people of Ecuador for exercising their democratic right to vote in a transparent electoral process. President-elect Noboa has a long road ahead of him, even in his truncated term, but I look forward to working with my colleagues to ensure the United States and Ecuador can work together to advance our mutual interests. 

“This election came at a time of unprecedented violence and fragility for the country. It will be critical that the President-elect demonstrates a strong commitment not only to strengthening democracy and the rule of law, but also to tackling the root causes of what limits opportunity for the everyday Ecuadorian—including the growing threats of gang violence, drug trafficking, and crime that has caused so many to flee their homes. The United States will not take its eye off the safety, security, and well-being of these people during this time of need.” 

Read Sen. Welch’s statement on the August 20th elections here
